Dwight Howard Lawsuit NBA Star’s Denial of Sexual Assault Allegations

Dwight Howard Lawsuit NBA Star's Denial of Sexual Assault Allegations

Former NBA All-Star Dwight Howard lawsuit case, NBA star has strongly denied allegations of sexual assault made against him in connection with a 2021 encounter in Georgia. The accuser, Stephen Harper, filed a civil lawsuit in July, accusing Howard of assault, battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. However, Howard contests that the encounter was consensual.

Dwight Howard Lawsuit

Although Harper reported the alleged incident to the police in Gwinnett County, Georgia, in July 2022, he did not provide a formal interview to the authorities, and the case was subsequently suspended. As a result, no criminal charges have been filed against Howard.

According to Harper’s lawsuit, he initially met Howard on Instagram and agreed to meet at Howard’s residence for a sexual encounter. On his way there, Harper claims that Howard suggested involving another person, which Harper declined. Nevertheless, upon arrival, a third individual, referred to as “Kitty,” was present. Harper alleges that Howard and “Kitty” coerced him into engaging in sexual activity.

The lawsuit states that “Mr. Harper felt extremely violated and humiliated, and was in complete shock.” In response, Howard’s attorney filed a statement in October asserting that all three men had engaged in consensual sexual activity. Howard seeks a summary judgment, court costs, and attorney fees to be paid by Harper.

In an additional statement provided by one of Howard’s lawyers, it is emphasized that the allegations against Howard are contested, and he is determined to present the truth in court. The statement suggests that the situation may have been driven by a desire for profit, with Howard blocking Harper on social media. Howard addressed the accusations on Instagram Live, emphasizing the importance of waiting for the legal process to determine the truth.

Dwight Howard, an eight-time NBA All-Star, most recently played in Taiwan. He had a long NBA career, playing for seven different organizations over 18 seasons, including winning a championship with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2019-20. His last NBA stint was with the Lakers in 2022.


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